Whenever an ally within line of sight of you makes an attack that moves an opponent down the Condition Track (Such as dealing damage that equals of exceeds the target's Damage Threshold), that ally moves the target an additional -1 step down the Condition Track.Īdditional Inspiration Talents Beloved Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence, Ignite Fervor On that ally's next turn, that ally can make a Skill Check that normally requires a Standard Action, as a Move Action instead. You can't Inspire Confidence in yourself.Īs a Swift Action, you can encourage one of your allies within line of sight to make haste with a Skill Check. Once Inspired, your allies don't need to remain within line of sight of you. Once their fervor has been ignited, the affected ally doesn't need to remain within line of sight of you if their next attack misses, they lose the bonus to damage granted by this Talent.Īs a Standard Action, you can inspire confidence in all allies in your line of sight, granting them a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus on Skill Checks for the rest of the encounter, or until you're unconscious or dead.
Whenever you hit an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, you can (As a Free Action) choose to give one ally within your line of sight a bonus to damage on his next attack equal to their Character Level. Prerequisites: Bolster Ally, Inspire Confidence You can't Bolster the same ally more than once in a single encounter, and you can't Bolster yourself. Damage is subtracted from the Bonus Hit Points first, and any Bonus Hit Points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. As a Standard Action, you can bolster an ally within line of sight, moving them +1 step along the Condition Track, and giving them a number of Bonus Hit Points equal to their Character Level, if they're at one-half their maximum Hit Points or less.